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Home > Support > Technical Documentation > Junos Space > Network Director > Understanding Auto Tune Power Policy for Wireless Radios

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The amount of power an access point uses affects thecoverage area of the wireless network. The higher the power levelon access points, the larger the coverage area of a wireless network.Usually, you want your wireless network to cover all areas, but withminimal overlap between access points that share the same channel—thisminimizes co-channel interference. Configuring each access point radio’spower manually can be time consuming and tedious for a large installation. For one thing, in order to ensure complete coverage while minimizingco-channel interference, you need to consider nearby access pointssharing the same channel as well as understand signal propagationissues. For example, the walls and windows in your facility affectsignals. Instead of manually configuring power, you can configureaccess points to automatically tune their radios' power based on RFdata they collect about neighboring access points. With automaticpower tuning, which is configured in the Network Director Radio profileunder the Power & RF Settings tab, access points adjust theirradios’ power levels automatically, based on the power levelsof all neighboring access points.

Radios get most configurations, including power tuning, fromthe associated Radio profile. For directions to create a Network DirectorRadio profile, see Creating and Managing a Radio Profile.

Note: Automatic channel tuning is also available, and automaticpower tuning and channel tuning can be used together. For more informationabout automatic channel tuning, see Understanding Adaptive Channel Planner.

How Does Wireless Transmit Power Work?

Transmit power, like other sound pressure, is measured in decibels.Because the measurement is logarithmic instead of linear, an increaseof 6 dB will double the range of coverage of a radio. Valid powervalues depend on the country of operation. The default transmit poweron all access point radio types is either the highest setting allowedfor the country of operation or highest setting supported on the hardware,whichever is lower.

How Does Auto Tune Power Policy Work?

Power tuning computation is performed on the access point itselfwithout any help from the controller. Access points listen for nearbyaccess points on the same channel and then adjust their power to providegood coverage while avoiding co-channel interference.

The power tuning algorithm automatically adjusts to changeswhen needed, for example when one access point is removed.

Auto-tuned power settings are not persistent—auto-tuningmust be enabled for the changes to occur. If you turn off auto-tuning,the access point will go back to the configured power setting.

When is Auto Tune Power Policy Most Helpful?

When an access point radio is first enabled, automatic powertuning can assign initial power settings compatible with surroundingaccess points.

How Do I Turn Off an Auto Power Policy?

You can turn off automatic power tuning by editing Radio Profiles—thisturns off auto power for all access points using the Radio Profile.See Creating and Managing a Radio Profile.You can also turn off automatic power tuning for a single radiowhen you add or edit an individual access point—for directions,see Adding and Managing an Individual Access Point.

What Changes Can I Make to an Auto Tune Power Policy?

When power tuning is enabled in a Radio profile, you can changethe wireless transmit power backoff timer, power tuning interval andthe power ramp interval for that Radio profile.

  • Transmit Power Backoff Timer changesthe interval at which radios reduce power after temporarily increasingthe power to maintain the minimum data rate for an associated client.At the end of each power-backoff interval, radios that temporarilyincreased their power reduce it by 1 dBm every 10 seconds. Thepower backoff continues in 1 dBm increments after each intervaluntil the power returns to expected setting.
  • Power Tuning Interval is the numberof seconds between reevaluations of power. Power changes can onlytake place after an evaluation or when an anomaly occurs. You canchange the wait interval between evaluations from the default 600seconds.
  • Power Ramp Interval is the rate atwhich power is increased or decreased on radios in a Radio profileuntil the optimum power level calculated by RF auto-tuning is reached.You can change the 1 dBm increment to increase and decrease inlarger or smaller steps.

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Modified: 2017-04-20

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